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K - 12 Camps

The I AM STEM ecosytem consist of various churches, freedom schools, and out-of-school programs across the southeast U.S, spreading  the love for STEM to as many children as we can.

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Fun Activities &
Hands-on Lessons

STEM-themed 2025 Summer Camps


Our 2024 Impact

I AM STEM Foundation Inc. offers three unique STEM enrichment models designed to engage and inspire youth in diverse settings. These models align with I AM STEM’s mission to transform the face of STEM, one community at a time by offering diverse and inclusive learning opportunities for.  all scholars.

1. Summer STEM Camps (Co-Ed): These hands-on camps provide exciting opportunities for students to dive into interactive STEM activities and projects. This year’s theme was "Activating the Hero Within: STEM’s Mightiest Defenders" which empowered students to engage in critical thinking,
creativity, and innovation.

2. Single-Gender STEM Models (Girls): These programs are designed to empower and inspire girls in STEM through engaging, girl-centered activities. Our theme for these camps were "Barbies in STEM: Dream BIG and Explore Boundless Possibilities". The curriculum showcased the power of STEM careers and skills in a fun and relatable way, encouraging girls to achieve their full potential.

3. Vacation Bible School (Co-Ed): This faith-based program integrates STEM activities into a specially designed Vacation Bible School curriculum where children can investigate and explore while building their spiritual muscles. This summer’s theme focused on "Activating the Hero Within: The Bible’s Mightiest Warriors;" where students discovered their inner strengths through STEM challenges.

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